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Friarsgate Park
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Spring Opening Day
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Local Playing Rules
Player Pool
Divisional Rules
Rules Across All Divisions
Junior Coach Pitch
Minors Coach Pitch - Baseball and Softball
Minors Player Pitch - Baseball and Softball
Majors - Baseball and Softball
Intermediate - Baseball
Juniors - Baseball and Softball
Seniors - Baseball and Softball
On-the-Field Health & Safety
Heat & Sun
Proper Hydration
Protecting Young Arms
Game Scheduling
End-of-Season Divisional Play-offs
2023 Champions
History of Tournament Titles
2024 All-Star Teams
Sponsorship Opportunities
2024 Sponsors
Website Manager
Parent Information
Image Galleries
Constitution and Other Documents
Friarsgate Park
Code of Conduct
Zero Tolerance Policy
Safety FAQs
Weather Safety
Safety Code
Emergency Contacts
Accident Reporting Procedures
Spring Opening Day
Important Links
Volunteer FAQ
Team Parents
General Information
Concession Stand
Team Snacks
Picture Day
Game Balls
Officer on Duty
Board of Directors
Play Ball
League Boundaries
League Age
Divisions of Play
Registration Information
Player Evaluations (Spring Only)
Local Playing Rules
Player Pool
Divisional Rules
Rules Across All Divisions
Junior Coach Pitch
Minors Coach Pitch - Baseball and Softball
Minors Player Pitch - Baseball and Softball
Majors - Baseball and Softball
Intermediate - Baseball
Juniors - Baseball and Softball
Seniors - Baseball and Softball
On-the-Field Health & Safety
Heat & Sun
Proper Hydration
Protecting Young Arms
Game Scheduling
End-of-Season Divisional Play-offs
2023 Champions
History of Tournament Titles
2024 All-Star Teams
Sponsorship Opportunities
2024 Sponsors
Safety FAQs
I'm worried that my child is too small or too big to play on the team/division he/she has been assigned to.
Little League has rules concerning the ages of players of T-Ball, Minor, Major, Junior, and Senior teams. Irmo Little League observes those rules and then places children on teams according to their skills and abilities, based on their try-out ratings at the beginning of the season. If, for some reason, you do not think your child belongs in a particular division, please contact the Irmo Little League Player Agent and share your concerns with him or her.
Should my child be pitching as many innings per games?
Little League has
rules regarding pitching
which all Managers and Coaches must follow. The rules are there to protect the children; the rules are different depending on the division of play.
Do mouth guards prevent injuries?
A mouth guard can prevent serious injuries such as concussions, cerebral hemorrhages, incidents of unconsciousness, jaw fractures, and neck injuries by helping avoid situations where the lower jaw gets jammed into the upper jaw. Mouth guards are effective in moving soft tissue in the oral cavity away from the teeth, preventing lacerations and bruising of the lips and cheeks, especially for those who wear orthodontic appliances.
How do I know I can trust the volunteer Managers and Coaches not to be child molesters?
Irmo Little League runs a background check on all Board Members, managers, coaches and Umpires before appointing them. Volunteers are required to fill out applications which give Irmo Little League the information and permission needed to complete a thorough investigation. All background checks are completed on a national level through Little League International Lexis/Nexis Screening Solutions. In Novemebr of 2011, the Irmo Little League Board approved a stricter and more detailed volunteer policy that governs the approval of volunteers that may have issues that arose during the background screening process. If the League receives inappropriate information on a volunteer, that volunteer will be immediately removed from his/her position and will be deemed suspended until the outcome of an investigation. The volunteer will not be allowed to return to the facilities until the investigation has been completed. As the Board of Directors deems necessary, local law enforcement can be contacted for their assistance in these investigations.
Will that helmet really protect my child while he/she is running the bases?
The helmets used by Irmo Little League must meet NOCSAE standards as evidenced by the exterior label. These helmets are certified by Little League Incorporated and are the best protection for your child.Helmets are checked for cracks at the beginning of each game and replaced if needed.
My child has been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD. Is it safe for him/her to play?
Irmo Little League now addresses ADD and ADHD in our Safety Manual, giving Managers and Coaches reference to better understand these conditions. The knowledge they gain here will help them coach ADD and ADHD children effectively. The primary concern is, of course, safety. Children must be aware of where the ball is at all times. Managers and Coaches must work together with parents in order to help ADD and ADHD children focus on safety issues.
Why can't I smoke at the fields?
You can smoke only within designated smoking areas by the parking lot. There are posted signs throughout the park that stipulate this. The Irmo Little League Board of Directors voted this rule on smoking into effect after studies on secondhand smoke came out. Please obey the rules as they are there for the safety of our children.
Is it safe for my child to slide into bases?
Sliding is a part of baseball. Managers and Coaches teach children to slide safely in the preseason.
Irmo Little League
PO Box 1371
Irmo, South Carolina 29063
[email protected]
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